
Growing engagement from the ground up

User-driven programming is one of the strongest strategies for improving engagement in organizations, synagogues, Hillels, and Federations. These programs are well received, create buy-in, and grow the organization from the bottom up. It is essential, over the long term that our community implements these strategies if we are going to continue to be effective in the long term.

On this page, I will explain the core concepts, guiding principles, and implementation steps. Together, this ecosystem of ideas, strategies, and tactics will improve your engagement, grow your organization, and create sustainability.

Core Concepts

Expressed Needs

Targeted programming is central to the idea of user-driven programming. Without a sense of focus, it is truly impossible to be effective. If we extend ourselves too broadly, our energies get dissipated and it is hard to make any headway. Instead, we target.

Build a Platform not a Product

Creating an effective system to produce user-driven programming means that we’re building a platform, not a product.

Empower Leadership 

A user-driven model is built on the hard work of leaders and is the role of everyone to empower and embrace that leadership. On every level, from staff person to president of the organization, we all benefit from engaged and empowered leaders. In fact, creating sustainable growth is rooted in constantly engaging and teaching new people to lead.

Use Strategy for the Long-Term

Organizations are often stuck in short-term thinking, rushing to put out every fire as it appears, instead of thinking strategically. Everything, including user-driven programming, should have a strategy and a vision. It can be easy to just say, “we make programs” instead of asking ourselves, why?

Fail Fast and Fail Often

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned, not just as a person but also in developing a user-driven programming model, is to fail a lot. Trying, experimenting, and testing results in a ton of failures. These failures are extremely valuable. In fact, failing fast is central in creating good programming on the long-term.

Guiding Principles

Stay tuned!

Implementation Steps

Stay tuned!

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